This "coming together" International Meeting was organized to discuss the actual and positive position of Screen Printing Technology & Markets which are well, “alive & kicking”, but with a focus to exercise and share visions about our common future. To treat this important subject we were delighted to welcome the presence of company owners or top Management of our Screen Printing Business Partners (Sefar, Kissel + Wolf, Marabu, Gruenig-Interscreen, SignTronic and Quaglia) as global leaders and technological innovators.
ESMA-Association in Europe for Specialist Printing Manufacturers of Screen, Digital and Flexo technology was also present at level of its President giving support to RuyDeLacerda as Technology Partner of ESMA. Today, ESMA’s focus lies on all Industrial, Functional and Specialised printing applications, as well as graphic applications that lead to disruptive developments in printed interior decoration, printed electronics, plastics (IMD and FIM), textiles and glass where Screen Printing Technology is showing more and more it´s intrinsic advantages when applied based on innovative technology, automation and simplicity !
Realism and Positive Expectations
The conference was extremely participate, plenty of realism, with positive expectations from all event members, in a friendly, relaxed and agreeable atmosphere confirmed by the decision to held this conference next year in Heidelberg, hosted by Kissel & Wolf GmbH. To resume the “Shaping The Future” Conference nothing better as the message from David Eisenbeiss, Chairman of Kissel + Wolf Group, by saying: “ Thanks again for the terrific event in Porto. Was valuable time well spent and we all came back with fresh ideas. Many thanks also for the exceptional generosity you showed toward us all “. As conclusive subjects treated during the event on Re-Shaping Screen Printing Technology to a New Global Printing Dimensions, should be highlighted ...
Screen Printing Technology is alive & kicking with great acceptance due to its intrinsic advantages but it is essential to invest on innovative technologies in automation and digitalization on the shop floor. Supported with data analytics and AI one must take prepress as the key technology factor (ex: CtS technologies), environmental sustainability thinking, clean and modern facilities and focus on high demand industrial & functional applications (ex: solar cells, printed electronics, textile sector, medical, glass sector, plastic sector, etc.) and market services !