Coinciding with their move to new, larger premises in Wetherby at the end of 2019, this innovative signage provider now had the space to look at other machines with a view to being more efficient with time and effort. They identified a need to look for a printer that could take some of the capacity from their roll-to-roll printers to free those up to solely produce vinyl wraps and flexible signage. So, the search was on to find a new printer to tackle the flat direct to substrate work. 

Working with Darren Walker from Perfect Colours, a number of machines were explored; however the JETRIX LXi7 repeatedly came out as the preference. 

The extensive research process obviously involved seeing the printer in action, but the team at AD Bell also put a significant focus on putting several samples through more extreme testing conditions. The experienced team that were going to be using the printer were only too aware of the issues some direct to substrate exhibited. They were therefore keen to avoid these problems, such as chips when routing or drilling and print easily scratching off. However, despite their best efforts the JETRIX LXi7 with its powerful zonal vacuum system, LED UV technology and advanced user-friendly GUI software repeatedly met and exceeded this stringent testing. In fact this; combined with the extended warranty, leading head technology and the outstanding colour with high level of adhesion that the InkTec inks achieve, meant the JETRIX LXi7 was the perfect machine. 

To learn more about the this printer visit here.