A research center in USA certified (using isotope C14, already used in archeology for dating the finds) that the organic material composing the inks ranges from 72% to 82%. This means that less than 30% of the composition of the ink comes from the exploitation of oil sources.
MNK BIO series further raises the bar of sustainability in the printing industry. Not only chemical substances that are polluting or unhealthy are eliminated but they also minimize the exploitation of the planet's resources. We use renewable sources and we reduce the emission of CO2 in the atmosphere.
The development of the new series took place only at full technical maturity of the new generation of bio polymers, that after years of study led to the definition of polyurethanes with high renewable content that, at the same time, guarantee the same performance as fossil-derived material.
General features
• Flexible, not sticky
• Good printability, not blocking in the screen
• Excellent washing resistance
• Free from dangerous substances. Suitable for skin contact and baby garments
If you have any questions or curiosities you can participate in a free Webinar, held by our product specialists, on December 17, 2020, 09.00 am - 10.00 am (Italian time, GMT + 01: 00)
Participation is free, reservation required by writing to events@eptanova.com